Stay Weather Aware!

Flood Watch Messaging and Tips to Share from Hamilton County Emergency Management and Homeland Security Agency

The National Weather Service has issued a Flood Watch for our area and advised that continued rainfall over the next three days may cause flooding, especially in low lying areas and areas surrounding streams and rivers. During Severe Weather Awareness Week, Hamilton County EMHSA developed the attached social media toolkit with suggested messaging to share during this Flood Watch. Residents in areas that are prone to flooding should be prepared to take action.

  1. Always remember- turn around, don't drown! Never drive, walk or swim through flood waters.
  2. Drive with caution during heavy rain, slow down & remember to turn headlights on.
  3. Elevate items off the ground. Remove valuable or sentimental items from areas of your home that may be susceptible to flooding (e.g. basement).
  4. Take pictures of valuable items for insurance purposes.
  5. Know the difference between a Flood Watch & a Flood Warning. Watch = Flooding is possible vs. Warning = Flooding is currently happening.
  6. Sign up for Emergency Alerts at


For additional information, please visit:

Posted on 03/23/2023