Office of Reentry

Invitation to Reentry public conference on Sept. 27, 2024 at Plan to join us at the Graduate Hotel, 151 Goodman Street, Cincinnati, Ohio, 45219

The Office of Reentry is open Monday through Friday, 9:00am-4:00pm.


Who we are

The Hamilton County Office of Reentry is a client driven referral and support organization that provides services to individuals returning to the community from correctional facilities. HCOR is also a convener of thought leaders in the field of reentry.

Our staff consists of highly skilled, seasoned professionals that have deep connections in the community and are extremely passionate about this work.

Our mission

To promote collaborative services for all returning citizens by identifying common barriers, advocating for community resources, and offering a network of support.


NACo 2020 Achievement Award (logo) - National award winner for Reentry Pod model

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